Our Background and Mission
What We Do
We bring amazing people together to create, develop, design and make things with Open Technologies - hardware and software - and share our work for the benefit of all. We organize Open Tech summits, science hack labs, meetups and coding programs with developers, designers and contributors.
Why We Do It
Our main goal is to improve people's lives by sharing Open Tech solutions. We want to see that information technology and science has a positive impact on our society. We believe this can be achieved if people have access to digital tools and knowledge. Open Technologies offer free and open access. At FOSSASIA we are excited how sharing is possible on all layers from software, hardware and design to data and knowledge and we work hard to enable people to participate in the sharing society, expand knowledge, tools and opportunities, freedom of communication and expression for everyone.
Who We Are
We are an organization of people from all continents based in Asia. We want to see progress and improvements of people's lives in Asia and everywhere. We are developers, designers, event organizers and contributors who want to learn and share ideas, create and make digital software tools and hardware, that benefit people around the world. FOSSASIA was founded in 2009 by Hong Phuc Dang and Mario Behling.
The best way to stay up to date on FOSSASIA activities is to subscribe to the newsletter. If you are interested in communication within the community please get in touch on our mailing list. Or, check out more ways to get in touch with the FOSSASIA core team and our projects on our list of contact points
We are looking particularly for developers who are interested to contribute to our existing projects and develop new application ideas. Many of our projects are on GitHub in the FOSSASIA repository or on the repo of our project loklak. Please check out the code and start contributing.
Since 2009 the FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit takes place in different countries across Asia. Events in Cambodia, Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Vietnam and Singapore attracted up to 3000 attendees. At many events we achieve a balanced gender distribution where half of all participants are women. Other events with links to FOSSASIA are the Mini-Debconf Vietnam, LGM, GNOME.Asia, Hackerspace Meetings in Singapore, LUG meetups in China, TYPO3 events in Phnom Penh, OpenDesign.Asia Weeks, the Chaos Communication Congress, the Berlin OpenTechSummit series and many others.
Memories from FOSSASIA Events
Follow our photostream on Flickr
FOSSASIA Coding Programs and Travel Support
FOSSASIA participates in the Google Summer of Code and in the Google Code-In program as an umbrella organization for projects and developers in Asia and supports exchanges of selected FOSSASIA core developers through travel grants. A list of mini-projects and ideas for summer projects is at: labs.fossasia.org
FOSSASIA LabsSoftware and Hardware Projects
FOSSASIA develops software and hardware and cooperates with Open Tech projects. Please check out our Github and FOSSASIA Labs and join us as a contributor.
Join us on Github Visit FOSSASIA LabsFOSSASIA Activities

Coding Programs

Open Source Event Management for Developer Meetups and Conferences
For many years we organize the FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit, Science Hack Days and meetups. And, for many years we were looking for a good event management and ticketing solution, that is Open Source. As there was no solution that suited our needs in 2015 we started to develop the Open Event solution eventyay.com. We would be happy if it is useful for you too!

Software and Hardware Development
We develop applications for Science hack labs, software applications for events, community engagement and open data tools, and we support existing projects with resources. Check out the FOSSASIA Labs for more info.
FOSSASIA Representation
The FOSSASIA organization cooperates with supporting companies and organizations around the world. The FOSSASIA PTE LTD. (201702892N) registered in Singapore represents FOSSASIA projects legally as an official organization, including its projects and the community in any matters, enquiries and before court.